

The First United State “International Health Culture Products Expo” to be held at October in NYC

2016 美国首届“國際健康養生文化產業博覽會”对新聞界的發布會在紐約法拉盛君豪大酒店舉行。纽约各主要报社记者和有关方面出席了发布会。


The First United States “International Health Culture Products Expo” press conference was held at Flushing Sheraton Hotel.
随着时代的发展和变迁、人们对生活的观念改变,健康养生长寿成了大家迫切关心的热门话题。这次大会,旨在搭建一个国际化的交流平台,由海内外专家名人共同 探讨推广养生健康及相关产业的发展新理念、新方法、服务于社会,由美国全球养生长寿协会、美中文化艺术交流协会共同主办的2016年 “美国首届國際健康養生文化產業博覽會”将于2016年10月22日星期六上午10点-下午4点在法拉盛喜来登大酒店2楼会议大厅隆重举行。

With the developments and changes of time, the public feeling on life style evolves as well; health and longevity are becoming a hot topic of discussion.  The goal is to build an international exchange platform, allowing global experts to come together to discuss and to promote healthy living and related products with new concepts and new methods to better serve the public.  With this in mind, United States International Health and Longevity Association together with American- China Culture and Art Exchange Association are sponsoring  “The First United States International Health and Longevity Culture Products Expo” to be held on Saturday October 22nd , 2016 10 am to 4 pm at the Flushing Sheraton Hotel second floor Conference Room.

本次活动得到了美国政界和国内专业界的高度重视和支持,由纽约州众议院副议长 Felix Ortiz 亲自担任博览会主席, 国会议员孟召文,市议员顾雅明,原纽泽西市市長路易斯.迪阿米奥、联合国科教文组织、中国住纽约总领馆、康乃尔大學专家、以及来自国内的中华中医药协会会 长李俊德、原中国文化部巡视员、中国信息协会会长黄河浪,以及中国体育总局、中华书画家协会,

中国武术协会等众多组织机构的许多要员和著名养生专家, 武林泰斗
夏柏华、张玉彬、李艳、 张全亮、以及享誉国际的书画艺术家何仁诰、李成举、林述兴、夏世领等将专程前来出席博览会。此外,纽约市华人社团聯合會执行蘇殿奎主席及华侨代表各社区領 导民众也将参加本次活动。大會特聘请央视寻宝栏目古陶瓷鉴定专家丘小君先生𦲷临現场,为收藏爱好者現场传授收藏知识和鉴宝、识宝活动. 届时,国內外媒体将联合报道此次博覽會的相关动向。我们期待着国内外政界、商界、专家和相关专业強強聯手合作,共同打造国际化一 流的健康养生文化平台,为人类造福。
This event is highly valued and supported by the United States political circle and the Chinese field experts.  New York State House of Representatives Deputy Speaker Felix Ortiz will personally serve as chairman of this Expo.  Member of Congress Meng Zhaowen, City Councilor Gu Yaming, former New Jersey Mayor Louis. Diamio, UNESCO, Chinese Consulate General in New York, Cornell University, and Li Junde, president of the Chinese Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine from China, former Inspector of the Chinese Ministry of Culture, President of the China Information Society Huang He Lang, Chinese Painter Calligrapher Association and other well-known health experts such as Grand master Xiaobo Hua, and Top Taiji master , Zhang Quanliang and Sport celebrities: Zhang Yubin, Li Yan, as well as internationally renowned painting and calligraphy artist He Rencao, Li Chengju, Lin Shuxing, Xia Shiling, will also be attending this Expo. Both domestic and foreign media will jointly report this event. Special invited guest, Ceramic arts expert, Mr, Qiu Xiao Jun from the CCTV “Treasure Hunt” will be on-site to impart his knowledge in arts evaluation, collection and recognition. We are looking forward to the domestic and foreign political, business, experts and related professional to come together to create an international first-class health culture platform for the benefit of the public.

负责筹备工作的本次大会执行主席、全球长寿协会会长麻林城先生、大会秘書長宋玉华女生等相继在新闻发布会上发言。麻林城会长表示,本次博览会在今年春天 开始策划启动,工作量庞大,经过了7个月的努力目前一切准备就绪。他介绍了活动的悥义、主要内容、并特别指出,本次博览会不是短暂的两天的活动就结束了, 而是一个开始。希望通过健康养生专业界的交流互动,引起社会和人民的关注和参与,后续将落实本次会议对人们健康所实施的一系列具体项目,包括如组织养生专 家团巡回健康铺导、咨询、不定期举办健康教育培训,为个人、家庭、社团提供健康规化。我们将面向大众,进一步普及健康理念和方法, 包括继续推广巜中老年人防跌倒训练计划》等。

Mr. Ma, President of International Health and Longevity Association and Executive Chairman of this Expo along with the Secretary-General of the Expo Ms. Song Yuhua, both spoke at the press conference.  Mr. Ma indicated the planning of this Expo began at the spring of this year, due to the tremendous volume of details involved; it took over 7 months of hard work to complete the preparation of this event.  Mr. Ma introduced the significance of the activities, the main content, and specifically pointed out that the Expo is not just a short two-day event but it is a beginning.  With the hope through the interaction and exchange of the health experts, it will bring awareness and participation to the public.  It will follow up with implementation of a series of specific health projects, including organizing health tour guide with experts, counseling, and from time to time, organize health education and training for individuals, families, and organizations with health guidelines. “We will continue to further popularize health concepts and methods for the general public, including {Fall Prevention Training for the Elderly}”.  

宋玉华秘书长介绍说,本次博览会分两个半天举行。开幕式活动安排在10月22日上午10时-12时举行。内容有国际友人、政府要员发言,以及向在健康养生 和公益领域作出贡献的专家和个人颁发荣誉证书,以及专家发言发布研究成果和文艺演出等。下午2时-4时的活动包括:养生论文报告,企业商界和专家对接,健 康产品和展示,健身法功大师演绎以及国际大师书画展览等。有商家摊位可租赁展示产品。本次活动向社会免费开放,欢迎社会各界民众和商家社团参会。

Ms. Song Yuhua, the Secretary-General, said this event will last two and half days. The opening ceremony will be held on October 22 from 10 am to noon. There will be speeches given by international friends and government officials.  Honorary awards will be presented to experts that have made contribution in the health and public area.  Experts’ research results presentation and theatrical performances will also be held at this time. From 2 pm - 4 pm activities will include: health papers presentation, business and expert interaction, health products display, fitness master demonstration and international masters’ painting and calligraphy exhibition. There are display booths available for business to present their products. This event is open to the public and charge, we welcome the community and the business associations to come and join us.
同时,本次博览会的闭幕庆典将于10/23/2016 晚6时 在 君豪酒店举行(136-20 Roosevelt AVE 3F Flushing NY11354)和博览会活动相关的事!对大众开通了专家免费健康咨询服务电话877-456-6888
The closing ceremony of this Expo will be on 10/23/2016  6 pm at the Grand Reataurant (136-20 Roosevelt AVE 3F Flushing NY11354)

 All  Expo activities related matters and public free expert health advisory services, contact 877-456-6888